julie and misha’s poëzine¶
julie and misha’s poëzine celebrates friendship and connection. it is a collaboration between the mega talented illustrator Julie Van Wezemael and me.
this poëzine was inspired by the friendship books from our youths (called “poësie” or “vriendenboekje”), akin to Victorian confession albums. it was a simple (though sometimes scary) way to ask people to be your friend. as adults, both julie and i find it hard to take the leap from acquaintance to friendship, so we figured, why not create a poëzine?!
will you take the leap to friendship with us? :3

julie and birdbeakbeast press use an A/B/C pricing system:- price A: €5. this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
- price B: €8. this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
- price C: €10 or more. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund