an ongoing, multilingual zine series that offers a safe.brave space for our non-normative bodies and sexuality/ies and other ways in which we queer the norm. birdbeakbeast press welcomes contributions in all languages, in text and/or images. (note that the zine is A5 and printed black/white.) contributors are encouraged to create their own narrative through personal story-telling, an analytical article, or anything in between. birdbeakbeast press can provide constructive feedback if the contributor would like that (but it is by no means mandatory). contributors decide how they are credited.
- 2019 > on consent
A: €5 | B: €7 | C: €10+ - 2020 > on periods and other bodily fluids (click here for the playlist) [SOLD OUT] A: €8 | B: €11 | C: €15+
- 202? > on marks on/of the body
(call for submissions still open)
i look forward to reading/seeing your work inspired by pimples, scars, rashes, rope marks, bruises, birthmarks, tattoos, freckles, stretchmarks, dimples, flushed cheeks, …!
click on the images to see a larger version. you can also drag them around.

birdbeakbeast press uses an A/B/C pricing system:- price A this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
- price B this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
- price C or more. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund