abundance is our birthright¶
‘abundance is our birthright’ is a chapbook by misha verdonck with five poems (four brand spankin’ new, one significantly altered since its last publication) and illustrations i found in old botany books.
first print is sold out, a second print (2024) is still available.

it is about queer intimacy, about connection, about becoming the kind of ancestor you (and those after you) need. it’s about self-love as a trans person, about finding your soil, about setting root in it.
i wrote this chapbook with myself in mind, in the various stages of my life past, present, future. so i have something tangible to hold on to when times pull me under. i also made this offering with my (chosen) family in mind. the loved ones that tell me to slow down when i go too hard. the friends i haven’t met yet. the people in my communities i don’t get along with but who deserve care and kindness regardless. the people i will never meet but wish all the softness and warmth they need to thrive.
i hope this offering ‘sparks joy’ in you, or at least a sense of content connection. that it brings gentleness when you need it. that it might serve as a physical reminder that you are not alone and that the earth supports you.
birdbeakbeast press uses an A/B/C pricing system:- price A: €2. this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
- price B: €5. this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
- price C: €8 or more. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund