IG: @birdbeakbeast
M: birdbeakbeast@outlook.com


misha (they/them) is a zinester and poet from Belgium, located in Dendermonde and Ghent.

i started birdbeakbeast press in 2017 as a way to explore radical kindness and queer feminism, and to centre voices that are often pushed to the sides. birdbeakbeast press is an experiment in thoughts and actions of how to make community-based knowledge and creativity accessible.

birdbeakbeast press creates output on paper in the form of poetry zines, collaborative zines, and informational zines.
other offerings include the tadpod, a podcast where i read queer fiction, and embroideries on a variety of objects.
i also create workshops on soft skills in community building, zine-making, and story-telling.


IG: @birdbeakbeast
M: birdbeakbeast@outlook.com
i speak english, dutch, some swedish, and some french.

financial disclosure

birdbeakbeast press is a passion project that i finance 100% from my day job, zine sales, and paid performances and workshops. i do not rely on funds or advertisement to finance these zines.

while i would very much like to compensate every contributor for their emotional and intellectual labour, i am not in a position to do this sustainably so :( if this prevents you from collaborating with birdbeakbeast press, please contact me and we will look for ways in which you can be compensated for your work.

you can support birdbeakbeast press by purchasing the zines, booking a paid performance or workshop, by becoming a Patreon, or by sending us a donation through PayPal.
thank you for your support!


please let me know if you have needs that aren’t addressed here! contact me through instagram or send me an e-mail via birdbeakbeast@outlook.com. i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.


  • informative zines are published in different languages
  • translators are paid or compensated
  • zines are priced according to an A/B/C system so those who can afford more can ensure that those who can afford less also have access to these zines
      price A: covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
      price B: covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
      price C: covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund
  • birdbeakbeast press is open to zine or art trades
  • the accessibility fund helps pay translation fees, collaboration fees for those who are cash poor, and the items in the accessibility suitcase. it also enables birdbeakbeast press to keep the prices low for those who have less disposable income
  • zines contain content warnings when appropriate
  • zines are published in legible fonts, font sizes and colour contrast
  • zines take into account the British Dyslexia Association guidelines (2021 onwards)
    zines take into account the European Blind Union guidelines (2021 onwards) 
  • working on: online zines are screen-reader compatible

IG content

  • each post has an image description and alt text
  • posts and stories have content warnings when appropriate
  • permanent stories with accessibility information and information on content warnings


  • this accessibility page
  • dyslexia-friendly layout
  • image descriptions
  • compatible with reading software (incl. alt text for images)

zine fairs, workshops, and other events

  • languages available: English, Dutch
  • workshops are customisable
  • misha will bring an “accessibility suitcase” containing the following items:
   > corona package (free facemasks & gloves, hand sanitizer)
   > free sick bags
   > free tampons and pads
   > free condoms
   > free ear plugs
   > bendy straws not made of iron
   > reading guides for people with dyslexia
   > various stim / fidget toys 

and a reminder: please let me know if you have needs that aren’t addressed here! contact me through instagram or send me an e-mail via birdbeakbeast@outlook.com. i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.

content warnings

birdbeakbeast press uses content warnings when appropriate. you can find these warnings before each piece so you can decide whether or not you will read on.
these are the content warnings birdbeakbeast press uses from now on in zines and in IG content, in alphabetical order:

  • ableism, sanism
  • abuse, violence (+ specification)
  • animal abuse
  • cultural appropriation, racism
  • eating disorder, diet talk, fatphobia
  • depression
  • medical trauma
  • homophobia, transphobia
  • (in)fertility
  • self-harm, suicide

  • beetles and other insects, spiders
  • fire
  • frogs and toads
  • food
  • genitals

are there content warnings you need that are not in this list? please contact me through instagram or via birdbeakbeast@outlook.com.  i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.

the tadpod

podcast with queer fiction.

the idea of this podcast came from a need to give back to the Trans community on a cyclical and in a more sustainable way. since i enjoy reading books, talking about books, recommending books, i figured a podcast with queer fiction would be a good idea!

season one is Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg.
season two is Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan LeFanu.

where can you find the podcast?

you can listen to the tadpod via:
please note that some of these platforms have restrictions on which countries/regions an access their services.
do you use another platform? let me know by a message on IG or shoot me a mail via birdbeakbeast@outlook.com

what happens with the donations?

in the recordings, i mention the Black Trans Art and Joy Fund. unfortunately, they are on an organising break. therefore, i encourage you to donate directly to a Palestinian person in need. you can find a list of verified fundraisers here. if choosing a family is too overwhelming, i would be happy to donate it for you. just make sure to add a note to your donation :)

//Black Trans Art and Joy Fund is a Community Care Initiative to uplift and support the Black Trans community in the Netherlands and Belgium. their half of the donations will go to their beneficiaries and making sure they can continue to do their important and valuable work.//

julie and misha’s poëzine¶

julie and misha’s poëzine celebrates friendship and connection. it is a collaboration between the mega talented illustrator Julie Van Wezemael and me.

this poëzine was inspired by the friendship books from our youths (called “poësie” or “vriendenboekje”), akin to Victorian confession albums. it was a simple (though sometimes scary) way to ask people to be your friend. as adults, both julie and i find it hard to take the leap from acquaintance to friendship, so we figured, why not create a poëzine?!

will you take the leap to friendship with us? :3

julie and misha's poëzine is a glued A5 zine. the cover shows a person in green striped trousers and a pink jumper with blue raindrops


julie and birdbeakbeast press use an A/B/C pricing system:
    price A: €5. this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
    price B: €8. this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
    price C: €10 or more. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund
you decide how much you can and want to spend (+shipping if you live outside of Ghent or Dendermonde). you can pay through PayPal or wire transfer. birdbeakbeast press is open to zine or art trades. for more questions about this pricing system, don’t hesitate to contact me.

placing an order¶

you can place an order via mail (birdbeakbeast@outlook.com) or by sending me a DM on Instagram. i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.

carmilla / joseph sheridan lefanu¶

books for mutual aid <3
to celebrate the second season of the tadpod ~~where we read queer fiction together~~ i made (typeset, printed, bound) nine copies of the book of the second season: Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan LeFanu.


    price A: €20.
the proceeds for the tadpod will be split 50/50 between the Black Trans Art and Joy Fund and birdbeakbeast press.
you can pay through PayPal or wire transfer. for more questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

placing an order¶

be quick and comment as wone of the first three under the post to claim your copy!

trans healthcare zine 0.9 // trans in de zorg zine 0.9¶


trans healthcare zine 0.9 // trans in de zorg zine 0.9 is een tweeledige zine: enerzijds verzamelt die enkele verhalen van trans personen die de zorgsector doorkruisen, anderzijds biedt deze zine tips voor zorgverleners over hoe zij met hun transgender patiënten kunnen omgaan.

de ouderzine “ trans healthcare zine 0.9 // trans in de zorg zine 0.9” bevat verhalen en getuigenissen van trans personen in belgië (EN, NL), een korte geschiedenis van transgender zorg in Europa en tips over hoe je trans-inclusieve medische informatie vindt.
de mini-zine “ trans in de zorg zine 0.9 : trips voor zorgverleners” is een nederlandstalige zine voor zorgverleners. je vindt hier terminologie 101, een stukje trans etiquette, en alvast enkele praktische tips om je op weg te helpen.


birdbeakbeast press gebruikt A/B/C-prijssysteem:
    prijs A: €4. deze prijs dekt de materiële kost van het maken van de zine (papier, drukkosten, bindmateriaal)
    prijs B: €8. deze prijs dekt de materiële kost en het werk dat in de zine kruipt (het opzoekingswerk, de emotionele arbeid, de tijd om de zines te binden en om stukken te vertalen, ...).
birdbeakbeast press staat open voor zine- of kunstruil.
jij beslist hoeveel je betaalt (+verzendkosten als je buiten Gent of Dendermonde woont). we raden cisgender personen en cisgender zorgverleners aan voor prijs B of C te kiezen. je kan betalen via 
PayPal of via bankoverschrijving. voor meer vragen over het prijssysteem, aarzel niet om me te contacteren.


je kan een bestelling plaatsen via mail (birdbeakbeast@outlook.com) of door me een rpivéberichtje te sturen op Instagram.

bronnen ¶

  • Algemeen
  • Zorgverleners: Transgender zorg 
  • Basisinformatie over hoe om te gaan met trans patiënten.
  • Zorgverleners: Resources for Practitioners 
  • Hier vind je de “Standard of Care” en papers zoals “Interpreting Laboratory Results in Transgender Patients on Hormone Therapy”
  • Zorgverleners: “FAQ Gender: Antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen als je iemand bent of kent die non-binair is” by Mandy Woelkens and Thorn De Vries. 2021.
  • Center of Excellence for Transgender Health 
  • Als medische papers lezen je nerdy ding is, kun je dit doen via Sci Hub. Je geeft de link naar de paper in, en met wat geluk is de paper daar gratis op te vinden. 

  • “You feel like shit: An Interactive Self-Care Guide“ van Jace Harr
  • Een zeer goede interactieve guide die je helpt voor jezelf te zorgen op momenten dat je niet eens weet waar te beginnen 
  • Lumi.be
  • LGBTQIA+-telefoon in Vlaanderen
  • “Hell Yeah Self-Care! A trauma informed workbook” by Alex Iantaffi and Meg-John Barker (2001)

Seksuele gezondheid en veilige seks
  • Trans Sex Zine 
  • “Safer Sex For Trans Bodies” by Whitman-Walker Health and Human rights Campaign
  • Deze gids is heel volledig en vind je (gratis) op het internet.   
  • “Fucking Trans Women Zine” by Mira Bellwether
  • “Girlsex 101” by Allison Moon
  • Zorgverleners, paramedici, holistische therapeuten: Houd de facebookpagina van WelJongNietHetero in de gaten voor workshops over gender in zorg
  • Holistische therapeuten: de workshops van Otter Lieffe 



  • “The Remedy. Queer and trans voices on health and healthcare” by Zena Sharman (2017)
  • “So Hormonal. A collection of essays on hormones” edited by Emily Horgan & Zach Dickson (2020)

Koop je boeken (online) in Rokko (Gent) of Ici sont les lions (Brussel)! Je kan via de website ook boeken bestellen die niet in hun aanbod zitten.

Zijn er nog bronnen die jou hebben geholpen? Mail misha van birdbeakbeast press (birdbeakbeast@outlook.com).

double happiness : a chapbook by e.a. liu¶


"double happiness" is a chapbook with ten poems and two illustrations by poet and artist e.a. liu. it centres intimacy, heritage, interconnectedness and physicality.

all poems and illustrations are by hand of e.a. liu. the chapbook is designed, bound, and financed by birdbeakbeast press and printed at @sori.printstudio .


    price A: €12. 
profit is split 50/50 between e.a. liu and birdbeakbeast press.
you decide how much you can and want to spend (+shipping if you live outside of Ghent or Dendermonde). you can pay through PayPal or wire transfer. for more questions about this pricing system, don’t hesitate to contact me.

placing an order¶

you can place an order via mail (birdbeakbeast@outlook.com) or by sending me a DM on Instagram. i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.

poetry marathon 2021¶


Kika Man (she/they) participated in the poetry marathon of 2021, where you write 24 poems in 24 hours. this zine was born out of that marathon. it contains 24 poems and 5 illustrations.

cover of 'poetry marathon 2021' by Kika Man, a dark-red zine, on a wooden table. a black dog is shown, above which it reads 'poetry marathon 2021, 24 hours - 24 poems, by Kika Man'.

poetry by Kika Man.
illustrations by Iris Ausloos.
layout and binding by birdbeakbeast press.


birdbeakbeast press uses an A/B/C pricing system: 
    price A: €2. this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
    price B: €5. this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
    price C: €8 or more. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund
profit is split 50/50 between Kika Man and birdbeakbeast press.
you decide how much you can and want to spend (+shipping if you live outside of Ghent or Dendermonde). you can pay through PayPal or wire transfer. for more questions about this pricing system, don’t hesitate to contact me.

placing an order¶

you can place an order via mail (birdbeakbeast@outlook.com) or by sending me a DM on Instagram. i speak english, dutch, some swedish and some french.

embroidered cards

birdbeakbeast press refashions found images into post cards! find some examples below. you can also request your own slogan and/or visual and misha will see what they can do :)


birdbeakbeast press uses an A/B/C pricing system: 
    price A: €3 / card. this covers production costs (paper, printing, binding material)
    price B: €5 / card. this covers production costs + labour (these zines are often very personal, take a lot of research/translate and/or time to bind)
    price C: €7 or more / card. this covers production costs + labour + donation to the accessibility fund
you decide how much you can and want to spend (+shipping if you live outside of Ghent). you can pay through PayPal or wire transfer. for more questions about this pricing system, don’t hesitate to contact me.
